=== Posts for Page === Contributors: sihibbs Donate link: http://www.mywebdeveloperblog.com/development/wordpress/posts-for-page-wordpress-plugin Tags: post summary, posts in page, posts by tag, posts by category Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: 2.1 Include posts in a Page, by category, a selection of tags or by author with auto summary (read more) option. Supports pagination. == Description == Include posts in a Page, by category, a selection of tags or by author with an auto summary (read more) option. Supports pagination when number of posts per page is specified. For example if you want a Page (in the main header navigation) to show a list of all posts in a category or set of tags and summarise the posts then this plugin will do it. Add a simple shortcode to the page (in HTML view) and the page is generated from the matching posts. == Installation == 1. Upload `plugin-name.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Create (or edit) a page. Switch to HTML view. 4. Insert the shortcode: [posts-for-page cat_slug='your-category-slug'] (to display all posts from this category) 5. Add any additional options, it will default to 50 words with the read-more link or set show_full_posts='true' to show full post content. Example Usage: [posts-for-page cat_slug='asp-net-programming-2' hide_images='false' num='5' read_more='
Read More »' show_full_posts='false' use_wp_excerpt='true' strip_html='true' hide_post_content='false' show_meta='true'] == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == 1. `/postsforpage/1.0/screenshot-1.jpg` 2. `/postsforpage/1.0/screenshot-1.jpg` == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Release Version = 1.1 = * Update readme = 1.2 = * Fixed limit to number of posts which would be displayed = 1.3 = * Update readme = 1.4 = * Fixed header tag to be H2 * Removes all images and inserts first image (if found) at start of post using WP Thumbnail version * If images are a problem they can be hidden using: hide_images='true' = 1.5 = * Pagination added if number of posts is specifified (i.e. num='3') * "Read More" Text can be specified (i.e. read_more='
More Here') * Pagination link text can be specified using 'prev_text' and 'next_text' * show_full_posts='true' - will show the full post content. = 1.6 = * Number of display issues resolved * new options added * use_wp_excerpt - set to 'true' to show the WP generated excerpt or the excerpt if defined for the post * strip_html - set to 'true' attempts to strip all HTML content (if not using use_wp_excerpt option) * hide_post_content - set to 'true' to only show the post titles * show_meta - set to 'true' to show post date and author name = 1.61 = * hide_post_title : set to 'true' to hide the post title, e.g. if you just want to show one post using post_id = 1.7 = * added create_para_tags * fixed a bug with hide_read_more = 1.71 = * added order (ASC or DESC) for the order_by parameter = 1.73 = * fixed bug with num param = 1.74 = * fixed bug with attached images = 1.75 = * fixed bug with use_wp_excerpt = 1.80 = * added - force_excerpt_image : set to 'true' to attempt to get an image from the post content even if no thumbnail is set for the excerpt = 1.90 = * added - force_image_height and force_image_width : force the dimensions of the image used in the post excerpt = 1.92 = * Removed force_excerpt_image - Will always attempt to get an image unless set to hidden = 2.00 = * Changed name of function image_resize to avoid WP conflicts = 2.1 = * Fix formatting issues especially for full posts == Upgrade Notice == First Release